Popular Types of Turtle To Choose From As Pets

Popular Types of Turtle To Choose From As Pets

Nowadays, there are various types of turtles that make great pets. Owning a pet turtle can be an interesting and unique experience, but it's important to be committed to the long term as most turtles live for a considerable amount of time. The lifespan of a turtle can vary depending on its gender, the type of turtle, and how well it is taken care of.
There are many types of turtles to choose from when selecting a pet, but it's crucial to research each one before making a decision. It's essential to learn about the turtle's lifespan, size, temperament, and specific requirements to ensure it's the right fit for your household.
Some of the most popular turtle types kept as pets include:
Box Turtles: These turtles have a high-domed shell and are land creatures. They can be very territorial and eat both meat and vegetable matter. They typically grow to around six inches in length and should be kept out of direct sunlight. Box turtles are best suited for a country environment and someone with prior turtle-keeping experience.
Slider Turtles: The red-eared slider turtle is the most common type of slider kept as a pet. However, they can carry salmonella, so households with children should take caution. These turtles start off small but can grow to around eleven inches. They are omnivorous and require a semi-aquatic environment with both a water area and a dry area for basking.
Mud Turtles: Mud turtles are popular reptilian pets that live in damp, muddy environments. They usually grow to be up to five inches long and can live for over fifty years. These turtles are also omnivorous but prefer to eat fish and insects.
Painted Turtles: These colourful turtles can grow to be around ten inches long and are semi-aquatic. They require a larger tank with both a water and a dry area, and they eat both meat and vegetable matter.